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Postal Business: 8610 11185

Postal Savings: 8610 95580

Logistics and EMS: 8610 11183

China Post Life: 8610 4008909999

Introduction to China Post Group Co.,Ltd.

China Post Group Corporation Limited (China Post Group Co., Ltd.), restructured from the former China Post Group, is a wholly state-owned company established in accordance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China. Engaging in diversified operation, it focuses mainly on postal services, express & logistics, finance and e-commerce. The Corporation and its branches at different levels provide universal postal service stipulated by the State and deal with special services such as confidential communications, distribution of newspapers and periodicals required by the State, and free delivery of ordinary letters for conscripts, Braille materials and the remained belongings of revolutionary martyrs, etc.

As a capital investment body authorized by the State Council, China Post Group Co., Ltd. is responsible for maintaining and increasing the value of the state-owned assets. The Ministry of Finance, in accordance with national laws and administrative regulations, performs the duties of investor on behalf of the State Council.

After years of continuous development, China Post Group Co., Ltd. has evolved from a traditional postal enterprise into a modern conglomerate with the combination of its core business and finance as well as diversified services. Its competitiveness and profitability have been markedly enhanced, and its social influence has been expanded. Its business revenue has achieved a great leap from 28.7 billion yuan (4.1billion US dollars) in 1998 to 566.8 billion yuan (81billion US dollars) in 2018, and its operating profit from -17.9 billion yuan (-2.6 billion US dollars) to 46.8 billion yuan (6.7 billion US dollars). As of the end of 2018, it has possessed 54,000 post offices, with a total number of 935,200 employees and total assets of 9.81 trillion yuan (1.4 trillion US dollars). According to the Fortune Global 500 list released in 2019, China Post ranks the 101st, a leapfrog of 157 places from the 258th in 2012. Its size ranks the 2nd among the postal operators worldwide, and its profit the 1st for 5 consecutive years.