
    Post for Planet

    Keeping guard for planet Earth with China Post’s sustainable high-quality development

    Message from Mr. Liu Aili, Chairman of China Post Group Corporation Limited


    On the eve of the 20th CPC National Congress, we are celebrating the 53rd World Post Day. On behalf of China Post Group, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the governments at all levels and friends from all walks of life for their long-term support. I would also like to extend my greetings to the active and retired postal staff nationwide.

    As a fundamental, strategic and leading industry of the national economy, postal service plays an important role in facilitating equal accessibility of public services and boosting domestic and international circulations. This year, we have been unwaveringly implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, striving to offset the adverse impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, and responding to challenges proactively. We have been committed to solving the problems we met in the development through reform and innovation, going all out to forge our core strengths, and pressing ahead with our strategic tasks steadily, hence a sustainable and sound development. In 2022, we rank 81st on the Fortune Global 500 list, with our revenue and profits both topping the world’s postal industry.

    We were committed to stabilizing growth while improving quality and efficiency, and made further endeavors in our high-quality development. Focusing on meeting the requirements for and improving the quality of universal postal service, we deepened the transformation of postal outlets for more functions and better service. Pushing forward the reform and innovation of parcel, express and logistics services, we made great efforts in time limit shortening, market expansion, cost cutting, quality control and IT empowerment, and remarkably enhanced the competitiveness of the services. Shouldering the responsibilities as a state-owned commercial bank, the Postal Savings Bank of China further promoted innovation and transformation, accelerated to build itself into a first-class retail commercial bank, and steadily improved its profitability. Striving for growth of value and channels, China Post Life Insurance sped up stimulating the effect of strategic investor introduction, and strengthened its strategic position as a new growth engine. From January to August this year, China Post Group saw a revenue of 521.5 billion yuan (about 73.27 billion US dollars), a year-on-year increase of 7.75 percent. It generated a profit of nearly 70 billion yuan (about 9.8 billion US dollars), maintaining a good growth momentum.

    We attached equal importance to political and social responsibilities, and fulfilled new responsibilities in supporting the overall development of the country. To facilitate the epidemic containment, we explored models of centralized government procurement, community group buying and relay distribution of pharmaceuticals, and played an important role in ensuring supply as well as open and smooth logistics services. To boost rural revitalization, we coordinated with local governments to develop rural ecommerce, financial service system and three-tiered logistics system, and conscientiously helped agribusiness address the difficulties of sales, financing and logistics. We supported civil-military integration, and our service was highly recognized by the military. We served the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, and raised the awareness of China Post brand. Facilitating the three critical battles against major risks, poverty, and pollution, we achieved remarkable results in targeted poverty alleviation, green post development and risk control, and fully demonstrated the sense of responsibility as the national team of the industry.

    We valued both top-level design and pilot projects, and made new breakthroughs in deepening reform. Implementing the three-year action plan for SOE reform, we put into full practice the tenure system and contractual management of executives, and quickened steps in establishing sound mechanisms for market-oriented employment and remuneration management, the main tasks of reform having been completed. Seizing the opportunity of the digital economy and digital industry, we opened PSBC YOU+ BANK, the first direct bank as an independent legal entity established by a large state-owned bank, and fostered a unique financial ecosystem featuring coordination between postal and banking service. Taking active yet prudent steps to advance the universal-competitive postal service separation, we comprehensively deepened the six reforms of parcel, express and logistics service in the two-level centralization, land transport network, trunk line transport, mail center standardization, intra-city transportation, and collection and delivery network, and effectively boosted the vitality of corporate development.

    We sticked to the present development while maintaining long-term momentum, and took new steps in implementing the innovation-driven development strategy. We accelerated digital and intelligent transformation, and enabled IT empowerment of the operations, management and administration of parcel, express and logistics service. We launched PSBC’s new-generation core system for personal banking, with a brand-new mode of online migration and non-inductive switching, and achieved the agile delivery, safe operation and independent control of the system.

    President Xi Jinping has stressed that sustainability is vital for the future and destiny of mankind and the planet. And the theme of the World Post Day this year is “Post for Planet”. Under the background of globalization, China Post will firmly implement Xi Jinping thought on ecological civilization, speed up the high-quality development of postal service through reform and innovation, promote ecologically sustainable development by carrying out the Green Post Initiative, and uphold the principle of openness and cooperation to achieve shared benefits and win-win development through joint contribution. We will contribute to the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature as well as the coordinated development of economy and environment, and keep guard for our harmonious and beautiful planet for all life.

    First, improving the quality and efficiency of development. Giving priority to quality and profit, we will enhance the quality of universal postal service, satisfy relevant requirements, ensure transformation and diversify services. We will advance the scale merit, intensive management and digital transformation of parcel, express and logistics service at the same time, so as to forge its new competitive strengths. We will promote PSBC to develop ecological, industrial, coordinated, green and technological finance and reinforce risk compliance, so as to build it into a first-class large commercial bank. Meanwhile, we will actively and steadily carry out the separate operations of different types of businesses, optimize postal network, and modernize governance system and capacity, so as to stand guard for the beautiful planet with higher-quality, more efficient and more sustainable development, and deliver a better life to the connected world with our ubiquitous network.

    Second, conscientiously supporting economic and social development. Identifying our position and giving play to our role in serving the overall interest of the country, we will deepen coordination between governments and enterprises as well as among different businesses, establish links to agricultural production scenarios, and develop the ecosystem of rural ecommerce with postal characteristics, thus serving as the main force in rural revitalization. Speeding up deploying the three-tiered logistics system, we will push forward cooperation between transportation authorities and postal enterprises as well as between postal and express companies, complete the objectives of building major demonstration counties, and proactively integrate into and provide support for the new development paradigm of county economies. We will make every effort to support COVID-19 containment, and shoulder our responsibilities as the main force in boosting the new national development paradigm of dual circulations.

    Third, pressing ahead with the Green Post Initiative. Upholding our philosophy of ecology first and environment friendly, and aiming at carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, we will effectively promote green packaging and accelerate the recycling of packages. We will push forward green transportation and improve the intensive operations of transportation. We will advance green finance, accelerate the innovation of green finance and transformational financial products and services, and strive to build a carbon-neutral bank.

    Fourth, promoting opening-up and win-win cooperation. Integrating internal and external resources and promoting joint contribution to shared benefits and win-win development, we will strengthen cooperation and exchanges with other Posts around the world, and promote positive progress in multilateral and bilateral international cooperation and business development. We will intensify cooperation with relevant ministries and governments at all levels, and build China Post’s comprehensive service platform, to improve the capabilities of last-mile service. We will strengthen strategic partnership with large companies to achieve complementarity and win-win cooperation.

    All good principles should adapt to changing times to remain relevant. We, China Post, will continue to hold high the banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and stay true to our aspirations and missions of serving the people. We will continue to deepen reform and innovation, quicken our steps in transformation and development, go all out to support the new development paradigm, make further and greater contributions to building a modern socialist China and realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, and set the stage for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with concrete actions.