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China Post Holds Road Show for Innovation Incubation Projects
China Post Holds Road Show for Innovation Incubation Projects
| China Post |2018-12-20

China Post Group held a road show for innovation incubation projects in Beijing on December 6, 2018. Twelve of the group’s projects qualified as key innovation incubation projects.

Deputy Managing Director of China Post Zhang Ronglin attended the event and gave a speech.

Zhang pointed out that innovation leading development was not only the future and hope of the postal service, but also the driving force of China Post to take on various challenges and solve difficulties in development.

The 18 projects involved in the road show covered innovation in production, operation, science and technology, and management in postal sections.

Zhang emphasized that innovation incubation projects were important measures to strengthen the reform and development of the enterprise against the social background of “mass entrepreneurship and innovation.”

“We should unify our thinking and stimulate the innovative vitality of our employees. China Post will create an innovative atmosphere throughout the system, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees for innovation, continue to deepen innovative management, learn from other enterprises, and mobilize the subjective initiative of grass-roots units, so as to form a pioneering, courageous and innovative atmosphere in our postal system,” he said.

The activities at the road show were divided into three stages: statement of defense, voting and publication of results. During the activities, relevant leaders of the 18 projects introduced the background, innovation points, scheme design and incubation objectives of the innovation incubation projects to experts, judges and participants at the event. Experts asked questions and commented on each project statement.

It is the first time that the group has systematically carried out project collection and incubation. The enterprise encouraged all levels of units to explore new areas, new models, new products, new technologies and new processes by providing funds and policy support for the projects.

The group started the collection of innovative incubation projects in the second half of 2018. A total of 149 projects were recommended from various units and 18 of them were ultimately presented at the road show.


(China Post)