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China Post President Liu Aili Visits Grass-roots Staff in E China
| China Post |2019-02-04
Liu Aili (second on right), president and secretary of the Communist Party Committee of China Post Group, visits the cadres who remained at their work posts during the Spring Festival in the Central Office of Jinan postal district in east China's Shandong Province on February 4, 2019. [China Post]

Liu Aili, president and secretary of the Communist Party Committee of China Post Group, visited the cadres who remained at their posts during the Spring Festival at the Central Office of Jinan postal district in east China's Shandong Province on February 4, 2019. Liu conveyed New Year greetings to them on behalf of the Party Group of China Post.

Liu shook hands with grass-roots postal workers and inquired in detail about their production and living conditions.

“President Xi paid a cordial visit to deliverymen on the Spring Festival eve and sent greetings to three million workers engaged in the express industry throughout the country, giving full recognition to the express industry. Xi pointed out that couriers were the hardest workers who brought convenience to people's life,” said Liu.

“We must make new achievements in 2019. Only the reformer advances. Postal offices nationwide should be as innovative as the Central Office of Jinan postal district, which has ranked top in a number of efficiency indicators throughout China. We will be able to achieve more brilliant results in the new year,” Liu added.

He said it was important to further enhance the well-being of postal workers and increase their income. Finally, Liu urged the postal staff to take good care of themselves and wished them good luck in the new year.

Liu Aili (eighth from left, front) poses for a photo with postal workers at the Central Office of Jinan postal district, in east China's Shandong Province on February 4, 2019. [China Post]


(China Post)