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Xiamen Initiative released at the closing of UPU Global Conference on Cross-Border Cooperation in an E-commerce World
Xiamen Initiative released at the closing of UPU Global Conference on Cross-Border Cooperation in an E-commerce World
| China Post |2019-11-29

After two days of in-depth communication and discussion, UPU Global Conference on Cross-Border Cooperation in an E-Commerce World concluded successfully in Xiamen on November 27. The conference released the Xiamen initiative, a global consensus reached in the field of cross-border e-commerce by UPU, calling for combined efforts in this field among stakeholders, including postal operators, Customs, airlines and railways. Mr. Bishar Hussein, Director General of the International Bureau of the UPU, Mr. Ma Junsheng, Director General of the State Post Bureau, attended the closing ceremony. Mr. Pascal Clivaz, Deputy Director General of the International Bureau of the UPU, made a concluding statement and announced the Xiamen Initiative on behalf of the conference. Zhao Min, Deputy Director General of the State Post Bureau of China, and Zhang Ronglin, Vice President of China Post Group, delivered closing speeches as well.

Mr. Pascal Clivaz said that 2019 would remain a historic year for the UPU. This world postal family ushered in the 145th anniversary of its existence, the 20th anniversary of its 22nd Beijing Congress in 1999, and the holding of this very important conference in Xiamen. In the past two days, representatives from international organizations, postal administrations and regulators, designated operators, Customs, supply chain companies, and academia made in-depth exchanges and hot discussions at the conference on how to seize the opportunities of cross-border e-commerce development, cope with the challenges and promote cross-border cooperation at global, regional and national levels, and reached broad consensus. He pointed out that, from the Pacific to the Caribbean, from China to Africa, from Europe to Australia, the postal operators still had various challenges. The UPU is also active in setting standards and growth strategies, developing optimal solutions with its partners, and improving its worldwide network for the good of this planet’s citizens and customers. The Xiamen Initiative conveyed a strong signal of global cooperation between UPU and other stakeholders in the aspect of cross-border e-commerce, and demonstrated the vision of postal operators worldwide to push forward sustainable development and embrace a better world and future.

According to the Xiamen Initiative, the boom of cross-border e-commerce has not only boosted the development of cross-border trade and global economy, but also had great influence on the export, transit, and delivery processes of the postal supply chain. Therefore, stakeholders such as postal operators, Customs, airlines and railways should work together to share opportunities, meet challenges and seek common development. Mail transportation by railway is a new type of transport arrangement which leverages the advantages of UPU’s network and adapts to the market development, and will substantially facilitate global e-commerce trade. The UPU, railway organizations and member countries will further enhance communication and collaboration, and push ahead with the establishment of an open, cooperative transportation development model of multimodal transport of highway and railway that features mutual governance and mutual benefits.

The Xiamen Initiative emphasizes that the UPU should accelerate the security certification program and provide member countries with UPU certification schemes. It will strengthen collaboration and connection with other stakeholders, provide effective risk management and customs clearance services for customers, and strive to improve connectivity of the infrastructure of postal network. The governments of the UPU member countries should pay close attention to the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement and the development trend of cross-border e-commerce, improve policy systems, optimize management regulations, actively push forward the close cooperation among postal operators, Customs, airlines and cross-border administrative agencies, and take concrete measures to strengthen the security supervision of cross-border shipment through postal network. Postal operators of UPU member countries should proactively meet the growing new demands of e-commerce for delivery time limit, logistics information and easy return, etc., continuously optimize global postal network, innovate the shipment products and boost the sustainable development of global trade.

Mr. Zhao Min said in his speech that cross-border e-commerce became the new driving force with great potential in postal sector, and the opportunity shouldn’t be missed. The postal operators should actively cope with the in-depth adjustment of the global industry chain and supply chain, remain responsive and dynamic, implement digital transformation, and adapt to the requirements of digital economic era through data and resources sharing, infrastructure and equipment intelligent upgrading and integrated development of new business forms of digital economy such as sharing economy and platform economy. He said that, with the penetration and empowerment of science and technology, the value of “one postal network” was more prominent than ever before in the aspects of optimizing allocation of multilateral resources, promoting coordinated development of large, medium and small enterprises and enhancing global partnership and the well-being of the people, and would bring about more diversified and obvious spillover effects. The sharp increase of parcel volume and continuous upgrading of consumers’ demands require a more convenient, economical and reliable postal network, whose services may integrate transportation, transshipment, customs clearance and distribution. Hoping that the UPU and more other international organizations concerned could take part in building an open, inclusive, balanced and win-win ecosystem, Mr. Zhao emphasized that cross-border e-commerce had brought about unprecedented challenges and opportunities for the development of postal operators around the world; only by enhancing communication and mutual trust and deepening reform and innovation could development and prosperity be achieved. As the administrative agency of China’s postal industry, the State Post Bureau will continue to optimize top-level design and deepen open-up practices. Focusing on the Belt and Road Initiative, it will push forward bilateral and multilateral cooperation among postal and courier operators, strengthen exchanges and collaboration with WCO, OTIF, IATA, ICAO and other international organizations, to create sound environment of cross-border e-commerce for postal and courier enterprises.

Mr. Zhang Ronglin said in his speech that while serving cross-border e-commerce, China Post Group, on one hand, had adapted to the development trend of cross-border e-commerce and taken a series of innovative measures in optimizing products, expanding channels, exchanging information and improving quality, which substantially boosted the development of China’s cross-border e-commerce market. On the other hand, China Post Group has actively participated in the UPU affairs. It is a member of the EMS Cooperative Board, co-chairs the second committee of the Postal Operations Council (POC), and sends a delegate to co-chair the UPU-OTIF Liaison Committee, taking increasing responsibilities in the international rulemaking of cross-border e-commerce. During the conference, China Post stated the development and future trends of digitalization and big data, shared its practical experience of promoting the railway mail transportation, and held many bilateral and multilateral talks, further strengthening its cooperation with relevant postal operators and facilitating the effectiveness of business negotiations. In the next stage, China Post will take effective measures to continuously optimize the international postal delivery network, develop products and services, meet the new demands of e-commerce for delivery services, and promote the sustainable development of cross-border e-commerce.