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China Post News New Media and TV News Department granted Youth Civilization Unit of Central Party and Government Institutions
|China Post News|2022-01-13

Recently, the Communist Youth League Working Committee of the Central Party and Government Institutions issued the Decision on Naming the 2019-2020 Youth Civilization Units of the Central Party and Government Institutions, and granted the title to 140 qualified and outstanding youth units in the 2019-2020 period, among which the New Media and TV News Department of China Post Group News and Publicity Center (China Post News Office Company Limited) was on the list.

Since the foundation of the New Media and TV News Department, it has obtained advanced experience in innovation, performance improvement, primary-level management and so on, and created a good environment for discovering and cultivating outstanding young talents. This department is responsible for publicity, operation and maintenance of 16 new media platforms of China Post, and has planned and produced the series of videos entitled Retrospect and Restart which won the first prize of the 33th China Industrial Economy News Award for short video news. During the Spring Festival of 2020, all members of the department worked round-the-clock to consistently provide high-quality reports on China Post’s anti-epidemic efforts, and posted more than 400 promotional articles on WeChat, 17 of which drew more than 100 thousand views. On China' s micro-blogging platform, Sina Weibo, the hashtag “China Post is Always Here for the Country” was viewed 48.1 million times, and relevant reports were reposted many times by China Media Group, Xinhua News Agency and other media, thus helping setting China Post’s image as a “national team” in the postal industry that can fight and win at critical moments. Zhang Mingyue, a young Party member in the department, was awarded Model Individual in the Ministry of Transport for Fighting COVID-19 and Individual in China Post Group for Prominent Contributions to Fighting against COVID-19. Recognized as Model Unit in China Post Group for Fighting against COVID-19, Model Department of China Post Group in Buiding Exemplary Offices and so on, this department is an excellent team that is fearless of hardships, fully dedicated and capable of innovation in the field of postal service publicity. Young members of the unit are also very active in community volunteer service and have won relevant certificates and medals issued by the People's Government of Beijing Municipality.