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Hubei Postal Branch dispatches the first cross-border e-commerce container through China-Europe freight train
Hubei Postal Branch dispatches the first cross-border e-commerce container through China-Europe freight train
|China Post News|2022-04-01

On March 21, the X8015 China-Europe freight train (Wuhan)  departing from Wuhan left the country via Alashankou Port in Xinjiang. It is reported that the train was loaded with a container of cross-border ecommerce goods of Huangshi Yizhen E-commerce Co., Ltd., an international client of Hubei Postal Branch. It is the first China-Europe freight train container declared in Hubei Province with the customs supervision code 9710 for cross-border e-commerce, the first commercial container dispatched by Hubei Postal Branch, and also its first customs brokerage transaction in cross-border ecommerce mode.

The customs supervision code 9710 is also referred to as “cross-border ecommerce B2B direct export”, and is applicable to goods directly exported through business to business (B2B) cross-border e-commerce, which means domestic enterprises can export goods directly to overseas enterprises through cross-border logistics, after they make  deals through cross-border e-commerce platforms. Postal enterprises help their cross-border e-commerce clients transmit logistics information of the goods to the customs, while cross-border e-commerce businesses send to the customs the information of their orders and lists, thus completing the “9710” customs declaration for export.

After signing the international transportation agreement with the ecommerce company, postal enterprises at all levels under Hubei Postal Branch have coordinated with relevant departments, and made every effort to ensure the scale and quality of the project. The Parcel, Express and Logistics Business Unit of Hubei and Huangshi Postal Branch cooperated with each other through the whole process. They designated special personnel to assist the client in the process of loading the vehicle to completing the relevant formalities of the hand-over of the goods to the freight train, until after the container was handed over and the customs supervised vehicle left the railway station. The successful trial of dispatching cross-border e-commerce goods through 9710 list mode has facilitated the customs declaration of cross-border e-commerce enterprises in Hubei Province and saved time for customs clearance. Moreover, the postal enterprises have made their contributions to attracting investment and optimizing the foreign trade environment for local governments.