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China Post launches special drive to recycle packing boxes
China Post launches special drive to recycle packing boxes
|China Post News|2022-04-20

On April 15, China Post Group Corporation Limited launched a special drive to recycle and reuse corrugated boxes for express packages in 2022. China Post plans to achieve the goal of recycling and reusing 70 million boxes by the end of this year, and select 5 provincial-level postal branches for achievement awards, 30 city-level postal branches for outstanding awards, and 100 star branches at county (district) level, based on their performance in this drive. This is an important initiative China Post is taking to accelerate the recycling and reuse of express packaging materials, and promote energy conservation and emission reduction, and advance green and low-carbon development.

In 2022, China Post will follow the pattern of "recycling before reuse", focusing on recycling and supplemented by reuse. The postal branches of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should achieve the following three goals: all post offices, collection and delivery points as well as ULE stations with favorable conditions should recycle at least one corrugated box a day, create at least one major recycling scenario, and organize at least one special event for such recycling.

In terms of measures, postal enterprises at all levels are required to utilize their own channels to carry out recycling work. They should strive to foster recycling scenarios of their own postal channels, make full use of the existing recycling devices for express packaging waste, explore ways to provide reusable boxes free of charge and preferential postal charges, and promote the normalized recycling of at least one corrugated box a day. They should make use of other channels to innovate ways of recycling. They should establish cooperative relations with property management companies and stores in neighborhoods to boost the recycling initiative, and try to cooperate with third-party recycling organizations to explore recycling and reuse modes that can be replicated and popularized. Postal enterprises should also create major theme scenarios and give full play to their exemplary and leading role. With the help of long-term cooperation with local authorities, universities and neighborhoods, they should strive to develop at least one major scenario for recycling and reusing corrugated boxes. Postal enterprises should organize special events to achieve breakthroughs in recycling. They should seize peak seasons of e-commerce shopping and organize at least one special event or competition of recycling. They may also combine the special drive with the activities of the Party, the Communist Youth League and the Trade Union to drive active participation of the postal employees. Postal enterprises should standardize the process to steadily press ahead the reuse of packing boxes. They should provide postal customers with recycled, basically intact, and reusable corrugated boxes free of charge after they are properly disinfected.

To support this special drive, China Post will establish a work promotion system and a system for regular statistics and reporting. China Post will enhance customers’ awareness of recycling and reuse of corrugated boxes through the official WeChat account of China Post Group, official WeChat accounts of different postal enterprises, China Post app and other platforms, and print relevant messages on such packaging materials as its own packing boxes and adhesive tapes. China Post will launch and publicize this special drive on TV, Internet and other channels, and carry out theme publicity activities, so as to create a good atmosphere of recycling in the society.