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Postal trucking opens new international logistics channel
|China Post News|2022-08-15

At 3 pm on July 30, seven 30-ton heavy-duty trucks loaded with grain and oil equipment departed from Henan Yongle Grain and Oil Machinery Co. Ltd., they passed the Irkeshtam port in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and arrived in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on August 9, with the whole journey taking about 10 days, entirely by trucking. This is the first direct cargo truck service that Henan Postal Branch has started from Henan to Central Asian countries following the opening of dedicated air, sea and rail routes.

Direct cargo truck service refers to a kind of high-end express transport service that uses large trucks as means of transportation and transports goods abroad by trucking. Featuring fast speed, low price and dedicated lines, this service has offset the high price of air transportation and the limit of rail transportation on oversized goods. In order to further unblock international logistics channels and accelerate the development of Henan’s open economy, Henan Postal Branch has made overall plans for this direct cargo truck service, and eventually succeeded in opening this new logistics channel from Henan province to Central Asian countries through coordinated efforts of different parties, which will further improve the competitiveness of postal enterprises in the field of cross-border logistics.

On August 4, Xinjiang Altay Postal Branch opened the direct cargo truck service between Jeminay and Britain, with the first truck carrying local cross-border e-commerce products.

Jeminay Border Economic Cooperation Zone is the only national industrial park in the Altay region. Since the direct cargo truck service between Jeminay and Britain can carry products with batteries, cosmetics and other products that do not meet the air shipping requirements, it has, to a certain extent, improved the transportation system of international parcel, express and logistics business, broadened the business scope, and thereby facilitated the transformation and upgrading of the international business in Altay Postal Branch. Moreover, the direct cargo truck service opened by Altay Postal Branch is also conducive to boosting postal service and its related enterprises to deeply integrate into the Belt and Road Initiative and play an active role in the “dual circulation” development paradigm that takes the domestic market as the mainstay while domestic and foreign markets complement each other.