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Hotline 11183 completes support for Double 11 surge
Hotline 11183 completes support for Double 11 surge
|China Post News|2022-11-18

As the volume of express delivery across the country levels off, the Double 11 peak season has come to a close this year. According to information released by the China Post Group Parcel, Express and Logistics Business Unit, during the Double 11 shopping spree, 11183 staff (hereinafter referred to as 11183, the hotline for EMS customer service) always took the standpoint of the customers, adhered to the principles of “smooth access, speedy response and focused attention on major clients”, and mobilized all resources available to guarantee 11183 call service and online customer service follow-up.

To cater to the Double 11 peak season, 11183 had made meticulous plans and advance arrangements, an executive of 11183 said. Its 3 regional centers in Beijing, Guangzhou and Fuzhou, its online customer service center at Shijiazhuang Posts and Telecommunications Technical College (SPTTC), and the online customer service in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) went all out to do their part in both the prevention and control of the COVID-19 outbreak and ensure the uninterrupted customer service during the peak season.

Apart from its increased local recruitment efforts, 11183 Beijing center had set up 10 facilities in Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hebei and Shandong, and conducted related training for all employees. It had made contingency plans for epidemic prevention and control to ensure the connection rate during Double 11. Guangzhou center had gathered a pool of employees, who debugged their computer systems in advance to get ready for telecommuting, so that there were enough employees in place in time for the peak season. Based on the telephone traffic, Fuzhou center had adopted a work schedule of two 6-hour shifts to maximize equipment utilization and telephone connection rate. The online customer service center and SPTTC had strengthened the peak season cooperation between industries, colleges and research institutes, and refined protective measures against the COVID-19 outbreak to ensure the safe operations.

The online customer service in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) helped each other with vigorous support. Especially when customer service employees in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Hebei and other places couldn’t report to work due to a fresh wave of COVID-19 outbreak, their counterparts in Tianjin, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and Shaanxi shouldered the important tasks with courage by taking over their share to ensure the smooth access to customer service across the whole postal network.

To ensure focused attention on the service quality for major clients, 11183 had provided proactive customer service for all major projects. The newly upgraded proactive customer service system could provide major projects and clients as well as important mail items with such service in the whole process, solving problems before customer complaints were sparked. The emergency response team of 11183 concentrated their efforts on the urgent mail items for eager customers, and solved such problems for a total of more than 20,000 customers, hence becoming a team that won the most praise and pennants from customers during the Double 11 peak season.

The head of the Service Quality Department of China Post Group Parcel, Express and Logistics Business Unit told the reporter that 11183 had activated the contingency plan for the peak season during the Double 11, the volume of customer service had increased by 1.5 times year on year, the utilization rate of working hours had remained above 95%, service connection rate above 94%, and customer satisfaction index above 90%. In addition, 11183 national center asked the regional centers to pay active attention to information related to express service on the mass media. As a result, they took the initiative to identify a total of 319 cases of negative public reactions online, communicated promptly with responsible links, and quickly solved the problems about the mail items in question, thus secured the successful operations during the Double 11 surge.