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NPC deputy Zhao Mingzhi: concerning for people's livelihood while fulfilling duties
|China Post News|2023-03-08



“It’s my duty to help solve the most pressing difficulties and problems that are of great concern to the people,” said Zhao Mingzhi, a deputy to the National People’s Congress (NPC) and a mail carrier from Dalian Zhongshan Postal Branch in Liaoning province. Engaging in delivery work for 28 years, she has taken customers on her route as her families.

Besides delivering mail to tens of thousands of residents along dozens of streets, she has offered assistance to the empty nesters and the disabled for a long time, Zhao Mingzhi told the reporter. Following her example, Dalian Postal Branch has created several “caring postal routes”. Being elected in 2018 and re-elected this year as a deputy to the NPC, Zhao Mingzhi felt the responsibilities on her shoulders heavier and heavier. She said, “I meet people every day on my route, and they are willing to share with me their thoughts, concerns and needs, which prompts me to take on my responsibilities and make their voice heard at the two sessions.”

This year, Zhao Mingzhi has prepared seven proposals, all of which are closely related to people's lives. “The government work report released last year mentioned that the infrastructure, such as water, electricity and gas supplies, roads, and mail and communications services should be improved, and the same point was reiterated in this year’s report,” she said. Zhao Mingzhi expressed her own concern with infrastructure construction, “With the high growth of e-commerce economy in recent years, I find it difficult for the existing delivery lockers to meet people’s needs. After research, I’ve brought to the NPC proposals on accelerating the construction of community delivery facilities, suggesting installing smart delivery lockers when building and renovating residential communities.”

Zhao Mingzhi has three proposals concerning the elderly. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the central government has sped up taking measures to cope with population aging and has promoted coordinated development of elderly care programs and services. From her point of view, elderly care is closely connected with family happiness and social stability. Therefore, her proposals this year are made out of the real needs of the elderly, touching upon transforming digital devices towards elderly friendliness, promoting the lawmaking on elderly service as well as improving quality of nursing personnel. 

In addition, Zhao Mingzhi has put forward suggestions on offering assistance to families with difficulties of huge expenditure (especially unexpected expenditure) and providing social security for practitioners in new business forms. She said, “My hometown is in the countryside. And my job as a mail carrier also enables me to meet ordinary people on the route. Therefore, I have a better understanding of people’s livelihood at the grassroots level.”