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Hunan Postal Branch joins in building new channel for exporting local products
|China Post News|2023-06-21

Recently, the launch ceremony of Hunan-Guangdong-Hong Kong Single E-lock Scheme was held in Changsha International Mail Exchange Office in Hunan province. This means the specialty products of Hunan can be transported directly to Hong Kong by land and further to the world. 

The Single E-lock Scheme (SELS) makes the Cross-border Speedy Customs Clearance System of the Chinese mainland interconnected with the Intermodal Transhipment Facilitation Scheme (ITFS) of Hong Kong. Under the SELS, Customs authorities of Changsha, Shenzhen and Hong Kong cooperate closely to enable the automatic and fast inspection and release of cargos at ports through mutual assistance in law enforcement, information sharing, together with satellite positioning, checkpoint direct connection and other technologies, effectively reducing the logistics costs of customs clearance for enterprises and facilitating cross-border trade. 

In recent years, Hunan Postal Branch has actively promoted the development of the local cross-border ecommerce industry. It has built a systematic one-stop postal service ecosystem for cross-border ecommerce in an all-round way, thus creating a functional platform to facilitate Hunan products to go global and Hunan businessmen to come back, and boosting the competitive industrial belt of cross-border e-commerce in the whole province. With the launch of the SELS, Hunan Postal Branch will leverage this fast and convenient green channel to support Hunan province to integrate into the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and provide customers in Hunan and the neighboring provinces with international logistics channels to fly their goods globally via Hong Kong. At the same time, it will leverage the advantages of the intensive supervision platform for international mail, express and cross-border e-commerce services, and the convenience and benefits of postal service to build an international postal network that links Changsha through Hong Kong to the world.