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Livestreaming campaign “Deliver Admission Letters with me” concludes successfully
|China Post News|2023-08-23

On August 20, as Sonam Dopgyal, the “Excellent Messenger on Long March Postal Route” from Zoige County, Sichuan, finished delivering the letter of admission to Rigtso, a Tibetan NCEE (the National College Entrance Examination) examinee who had been collecting herbs to earn her tuition fees this summer, the livestreaming campaign “Deliver Admission Letters with me” planned by China Post News came to a successful conclusion. According to statistics, the campaign has earned an exposure of over 1.5 billion views.

During this year’s college admission letter delivery season, China Post News made the first attempt to enter the campus of Beijing Language and Culture University, Nanyue mountain areas in Hunan, border villages in Yunnan, and Zoige grassland in Sichuan, and livestream the entire processes of postmen fulfilling safe and accurate delivery of admission letters to students in urban and rural areas, thus reflecting the responsibilities of China Post as the only enterprise to deliver such important letters. In Dehong, Yunnan, the live streaming team of China Post News filmed the moment when Yao Shengwang returned home from ginger digging and signed the reception of his admission letter with his muddy hands. This scene moved the audience to tears and attracted broad attention from the internet. Hundreds of media and platforms including People’s Daily and Xinhua News Agency successively forwarded the report. Soon the hashtag “Dalian University of Technology responds to the admission of the ginger-digging boy” topped Sina Weibo's hot search list.

During the campaign, 14 livestreaming sessions have been held in Beijing, Yunnan, Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, Ningxia, Jiangxi, Sichuan and other provincial-level regions, with a total length of more than thirty hours and the coverage of over 50 platforms including WeChat Channels of China Post and China Post News, the official Kuaishou account and Bilibili account of China Post, the new media matrix of China Mobile, and traditional media such as Yunnan Daily, Hubei Daily, Chongqing Daily and so on. The campaign has facilitated China Post News to coordinate with postal branches across the country and cooperate with state-owned enterprises such as China Mobile and other social media, thus greatly expanding the reach and influence of China Post’s new media matrix.