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Agreement signed for China 2024 Asian International Stamp Exhibition in Shanghai
|China Post News|2024-01-06

On January 4, the agreement signing ceremony for China 2024 Asian International Stamp Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as the Exhibition) was held at the General Post Office Building in Shanghai. At the ceremony, Executive Vice President Zhao Xiaoguang of ALL-China Philatelic Federation declared, the Exhibition will be taking place at the Shanghai Exhibition Center from November 29 to December 3, 2024. President Prakob Chirakiti of Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP), Coordinator of the Exhibition Zheng Bingxian, and Vice President Ms. Gao Hongtao of ALL-China Philatelic Federation co-signed the exhibition agreement. Shanghai Philately General Corporation Limited issued a commemorative envelope to record the moment which is widely concerned by the philatelic circles both at home and abroad. More than 100 representatives from the philatelic circles in Shanghai attended the activities on the site.

The Exhibition is sponsored by FIAP, hosted by the State Post Bureau of the People’s Republic of China, and organized by China Post Group Corporation Limited, ALL-China Philatelic Federation, Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission and Shanghai Jing’an District People’s Government. The member federations of FIAP from more than 20 countries and regions will be participating in the Exhibition, and more than 1,400 exhibits are expected to be on display.

At the agreement signing ceremony, Zhao Xiaoguang and Prakob Chirakiti delivered their speeches. As Zhao Xiaoguang said in his speech, the year of 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the Exhibition is of great significance for promoting and displaying the achievements of China’s reform and opening up and socialist modernization in the new era, deepening the exchanges and cooperation of philatelic culture between China and other countries, and advancing the development of China’s cultural and postal undertakings.

In his speech, Prakob Chirakiti spoke highly of the great contributions China had made to the cause of international philatelic culture and the extensive international impact the international philatelic events in China could make. According to Prakob Chirakiti, China boasts prosperous economy, flourishing culture and harmonious social environment, and the international events held in Shanghai enjoy a worldwide reputation. Therefore, FIAP and the international philatelic circles are quite confident that the Exhibition is bound to be a complete success. They are looking forward to joining hands with China to hold the world-class philatelic cultural event.

After the ceremony, Prakob Chirakiti, Zheng Bingxian and their entourage visited the Shanghai Postal Museum. Then, they went to the Shanghai Exhibition Center, the venue for the Exhibition, and made a detailed inspection of the functions and facilities of the exhibition hall.

The Asian International Stamp Exhibition, also known as the “Asian Games” in philatelic circles, is a top international philatelic cultural event in Asia promoted by FIAP. China successfully held the Asian International Stamp Exhibition in Beijing, Mianyang, Wuxi and Nanning in 1996, 2003, 2011 and 2016 respectively. China 2024 Asian International Stamp Exhibition will write a splendid chapter in promoting the exchanges of culture and friendship among Asian countries and regions in the new era.