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PSBC develops bond underwriting and distribution system for intelligent investment banking
|China Post News|2024-04-03

The Postal Savings Bank of China (PSBC) has recently put its first self-developed investment banking business system—the bond underwriting and distribution system (hereinafter referred to as the system) into operation, which enables the digital transformation and upgrading of the bond underwriting and distribution business, and marks PSBC’s first major step in building itself into an intelligent investment bank.

It is reported that the system completed its first transaction with PSBC as the lead underwriter on March 21, completing the transfer of 500 million yuan of raised funds. It facilitated issuing 410 million yuan in bonds the next day.

This system has realized online, automated and visualized management of PSBC’s bond underwriting and distribution business over its whole life cycle, which has greatly simplified the business process and improved efficiency of the core operation. The system automatically imports and supervises the downstream data in the whole process, and supports one-click payment, with the operation time of single transaction reducing from an average of 140 minutes to 10 minutes. Moreover, it can monitor the payment made by members of the underwriting syndicate to PSBC in real time, and perform automatic matching. The system also supports full-functional information supplement during bond issuance and fund management phases, and decouples business links through data processing. It has restructured the emergency response process of fund transfer, enabling automatic retry in the event of abnormal transfer and subsequent supplement of offline transfer. In addition, it connects with 37 systems inside and outside PSBC, including the system of Beijing Financial Assets Exchange, supports whole-process online operation and approval, and enables business data connectivity. The system has opened up the whole-chain scenarios of internal operation approval and transaction clearing and settlement business, made it possible to conduct online and automated operation in the whole process of front, middle and back offices, and kept the software and hardware independent and controllable as well.