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PSBC applies fin-tech to wage account supervision for rural migrant workers
|China Post News|2024-05-14

Recently, the Postal Savings Bank of China (PSBC) has developed and launched a cloud service system supervising the wage accounts of rural migrant workers with cloud computing, security authentication, intelligence engine and other technologies, to provide enterprises with a one-stop comprehensive service of wage account supervision and agency payroll payment. Now the system is being piloted at PSBC Xiamen Branch.

To ensure that rural migrant workers receive their wages on time and in full, the State Council issued the Regulation on Ensuring Wage Payment to Migrant Workers, specifying that financial institutions should optimize the opening process of rural migrant workers’ designated wage accounts and ensure proper day-to-day management of these accounts. In this regard, PSBC has continuously improved its capabilities of “finance plus technology” innovation to effectively guarantee the management of the accounts. The wage account supervision system adopts a SaaS (Software as a Service) cloud service model, which enables corporate clients to use the system by simply logging on to it through the Internet, and saves them the trouble of building a computer room or purchasing any hardware and software. The system allows enterprises to send requests and messages of agency payroll payment, then PSBC review and approve them to ensure the security of the funds. The system also supports exporting customized reports, so that enterprises can easily export or submit corresponding payslips or receipts in accordance with the requirements of local authorities.

Relying on the system, PSBC Xiamen Branch has fulfilled agency payroll service of over 62 million yuan (about 8.56 million US dollars) for more than 2000 rural migrant workers at nine local enterprises in Xiamen.